Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Using Action Research

Action Research is important for an administrator to take their leadership to the next level.  If seeking expertise or close to perfection then action research is the way to go.  Traditional Research does not allow for personnel inside the school to be directly involved, however action research calls for ownership from the staff and allows them to feel that they have some control.  Action research allows an administrator to lead by doing and be a role model, it allows the administrator to plan and schedule activities to slow down the hurried pace and become more involved.  Best practices will be a vital part of the school where action research is used.  Action research allows the personnel to data collect and question.  This research deals with real issues in the educational setting and has teachers and administrators discuss with each other to become problem solovers and generate change.  It allows to reflect and question and make changes all the time to become better or more efficient.

I am using action research now as I am getting masters after I have completed a Juris Doctorate program.  I am learning each day with my internship plan.  I attend district reading curriculum meetings where we share our best practices and discuss ways to effectively teach a concept.  I will be conducting an action research to address an issue at my school which deals with developing a better dismissal plan. I will have to collaborate with parents, community members, bus drivers, teachers, and students.  Using action research I will help facilitate our PLCs so that our small groups are focusing more on best practices and effective learning. 

Educational leaders can use blogs to share information and gain info from others in their profession. They may be able to problem solve more effectively or gain insight how to be a more effective leader.  They can try new leadership strategies, view situations, and make decisions in a different way.  Blogs allow leaders to share successes, ideas, or best practices at their school.  Leaders can discuss, learn, get news in the educational field, and be up to date with the latest practices. 

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